
Cling film used

Cling film used

Cling film used in the microwave instructions
1 Heat a large oily food should be Cling film and food to maintain isolation, do not make two
Direct contact. Because the food is heated, the cooking oil may reach very high temperatures, so Cling film
Breakage, stuck on food.
(2) heating the food should be well covered with Cling film containers, then use toothpicks and other materials in the preservation of membrane needle bar a few small holes, in order to facilitate the evaporation of water, to prevent expansion of the gas leaving Cling film blasting.
3 marked the brand Cling film the highest heat resistance vary, and some difference of about 10 ℃, the temperature inside the microwave oven is high, typically up to 110 ℃ or so, take a long time heating, heat can be selected of higher Cling film.
How to identify PVC and PE
PVC Cling film transparency, tensile and adhesive strength than PE Cling film. PVC Cling film in use when the fire
, Flame black, black smoke, a pungent odor, will not drip, left after the fire is automatically extinguished. The PE Cling film combustion flame yellow, odorless, it will drip, and can be left after the fire continued to burn. If the label is marked PVC material or unknown, advised consumers not to buy and use.
Raw material
Low-density polyethylene
Poly vinyl chloride
Adipic acid (2 - ethylhexyl) ester (DEHA)
Dioctyl adipate (DOA)
Epoxidized soybean oil
Ideal Cling film should meet the following conditions:
1. Cling film can easily be pulled out and cut;
2. Cling film is easy to side with the glass ceramic and stainless steel utensils (but not Cling film itself) bonding;
3. Cling film is almost transparent, and no wrinkles, uneven thickness of the situation;
4. Cling film can withstand the normal pull of the pressure.
1. Covered food containers, from bacterial infection.
2. Parcels of food, easy to save (for example: a sandwich).
3. Cling film to cover the bowl with cold, the oil can be separated to the soup.
Many Cling film materials as PVC, you must add a lot of DEHP and other plasticizers, or grease in high temperature environment will be leaking DEHP; and related scholars have pointed out, PVC is the most need to be out of plastic (incineration produces dioxins, etc. toxic substances), and DEHP are environmental hormones, content must be limited.
In the store, many manufacturers do not want to use the well-known PVC Name Plate Cling film
Membrane material, and the less people know this PVC Name Plate, in order to avoid slow-moving

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